Collective Reports
Read Our Latest Report
In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, GOAL Collective broadened its public engagements through communications, outreach, and new technological tools, while widening its partnership community. Read more in our FY 2024 annual report.
Review Past Reports
In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, GOAL Collective deepened and expanded its partner commitments, while making significant technological advances. Read more in our FY 2023 annual report.
In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, GOAL Collective experienced significant organizational growth and success. Read more about how we are increasing access for Nashville adults to reach their educational goals in our FY 2022 annual report.
In the first six months of FY 2022, GOAL Collective continued to engage our partners and adult learners, finalized a common intake form and began work on a shared data system with a technology vendor and four partner agencies. Read more in our report.
Throughout 2020 & 2021, GOAL Collective and partners demonstrated our resiliency and drive to create a system where none exists, placing the right learner in the right seat at the right time. This report is a summary of our progress toward our three major outcomes in FY 2021.
Adult education services were halted in March 2020 as a result of the safer-at-home orders due to COVID-19. In a few short weeks, many adult education providers moved (seemingly overnight) from in-person service delivery to a virtual model. The messaging work group of the GOAL Collective commissioned this report in July 2020 based on the identified need to document the changes and ongoing findings about adult education service delivery. The focus of this report is to summarize a qualitative research study conducted with GOAL Collective partners in 2020.