GOAL Collective Impact

GOAL Collective Statistics

GOAL Collective includes both direct service organizational partners and affiliate partners who provide support services for learners and agencies. We share aggregate data on learners served, outcomes achieved, and waitlists quarterly. For the second quarter of the 2024-2025 fiscal year, 21 direct service partners provided the data below.

(Click on each image to expand.)

Click here for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 annual data.




Fiscal Year 2023-2024

For the 2023-2024 fiscal year, 18 direct service partners provided the data below. (Click on each image to expand.)



In Nashville, up to 250,000 adults need education services. By identifying opportunities, understanding barriers, and making data-informed decisions around future programming and other needs, the GOAL Collective is working to get the right learner in the right seat at the right time.

GOAL Collective is a group of adult education providers collaborating in design and technology to build a central network with shared data and streamlined referrals, to ultimately create a system that will be able to better serve all learners seeking services within Nashville, TN. Our collective mission is to triple the number of adults achieving their educational goals by 2025 and create a network able to better serve more people.

Check out the homepage to learn more about GOAL’s work, or view a list of our partners.