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GOAL Collective Spring 2024 Newsletter

Research & White Papers


During the 2023-2024 fiscal year, data collected from GOAL’s partners has revealed unabated demand for ELL/ESL classes across the Middle Tennessee region. For every two learners currently enrolled in an ELL program, at least one learner is on a waitlist.

Research indicates that Nashville is not unique in underserving residents seeking instruction in English as a second or other language. Adults pursue ELL courses for many reasons—to engage civically, to support their children in school, and to attain U.S. citizenship. Above all, the vast majority of adult learners are working-age and seek educational programs—including those that improve language skills—for economic sustainability.

The benefits of ELL programs are not limited to learners and include better school engagement, stronger health outcomes, a more skilled workforce, and increased tax revenue from wage growth.

GOAL Collective is advocating for greater access to ELL programs across our region. As we build tools together to assist potential learners on waitlists, we eagerly anticipate a day when there is a seat for every learner who is ready to advance their skills for a better life. Read more about the national, regional, and local demand for ELL and its value in English Language Learning: Demand & Value in Davidson County.


In Spring 2023, GOAL Collective’s Learner Engagement Working Group interviewed partner agencies to document learner engagement challenges, perspectives, and solutions. The purposes of this project were to:

  • Define “learner engagement” and its importance in GOAL partners’ adult education programs 

  • Identify partner agencies’ learner engagement activities and best practices

  • Determine the current level of learner engagement at partner agencies

  • Explore common challenges to learner engagement

  • Leverage partner activities toward GOAL’s desired outcome of learners regularly participating in decision making

GOAL Collective partner agencies were united in their desire to provide programs that meet the needs of students to the best of their abilities, while removing barriers to participation. Challenges of time and capacity, transportation, and language were common and explored further by the Working Group. Advisory councils were also researched as a focused learner engagement mechanism.

Agencies that provide adult education are encouraged to center learner collaboration in the design and implementation of programs. Read more in GOAL Collective Learner Engagement Challenges & Solutions 2023.

In June 2023, ALL IN published compelling data that underscores the critical need for adult education in America: Investing in Multiple Literacies for Individual and Collective Empowerment.

GOAL Associate Executive Director Ameshica Linsey, Ed.D., said, "I am thrilled to represent GOAL Collective as a reviewer for this white paper on multiple literacies and thoroughly enjoyed working with so many subject matter experts. The authors were intentional about exploring the multiple literacy skills that interconnect and empower the whole person to pursue their unique needs and goals. This paper delivers a strong message to the nation, and it will spur powerful discussions and learning opportunities for many years to come."

Press and Awards

We’re excited to share about the progress we’re making as we move forward. Check out this recent coverage and recognition for our work. You may see us referenced by our former name, Adult Education Collective Impact (AECI).

If you are an adult education provider serving Nashville, join our work.
Together we can better serve all adult learners.