We are growing opportunities for adult learners by driving innovation and connections throughout our learning systems.
Our collective mission is to triple the number of adults achieving their educational goals by 2025 and create a network able to better serve more people.
GOAL = Growing Opportunities for Adult Learners
By identifying opportunities, understanding barriers, and making data-informed decisions around future programming and other needs, the GOAL Collective is working to get the right learner in the right seat at the right time.
Formerly known as Adult Education Collective Impact (AECI), we are a group of adult education providers collaborating in design and technology to build a central network with shared data and streamlined referrals, to ultimately create a system that will be able to better serve all learners seeking services in Middle Tennessee.

Serving learners and agencies
We are creating an efficient adult education system with resources for both agencies and learners alike by focusing on these core actions:
Standardizing intake across all partner organizations
Creating a precise referral process that gets the learner to resources faster
Sharing data to continuously improve utilization and identify barriers
Creating student-oriented goals through best practices
GOAL Logic Model